In Essentials, Unity
In Non-Essentials, Liberty
In all things, LOVE
A theologically diverse community of believers in Christ; growing, connecting, and reaching out through God’s Grace.
Weekly Services:
We are committed to staying together as God's family by attending services in-person on Sundays at 10:00 am or virtually through Youtube Live.
Upcoming Events
Christian Education
Recognizing that we are all born into the Family of God, we offer worship and teaching opportunities for all ages-from cradle to grave. We celebrate children as children, and as present and future disciples in God’s Household. All, regardless of age or station are encouraged as leaders-talents are sought and affirmed.
Racial Justice
We commit to:
No longer remaining silent about racial injustice in any context.
Promoting Racial Justice through education, advocacy, critical self-reflection, and positive relationship-building in our congregation and in our communities.
Addressing structural racism, however it confronts us, through intentional efforts in our ministry as a church.
Open & Affirming
Waconia Moravian Church is Open and Affirming and welcomes and supports ALL individuals and families — regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, mental health or ethnic, social, or economic backgrounds.
Housing Ministry
We work with Beacon Interfaith Collaborative, a non-profit organization that operates a shelter service and promotes housing advocacy. We own two properties that we utilize for those in housing crisis.