Our Christian Education program is Open and Affirming and welcomes and supports ALL individuals and families — regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, mental health or ethnic, social, or economic backgrounds
Recognizing that we are all born into the Family of God, we offer worship and teaching opportunities for all ages-from cradle to grave. We celebrate children as children, and as present and future disciples in God’s Household. All, regardless of age or station are encouraged as leaders-talents are sought and affirmed.
Spiritual Growth for All Ages
Biblical Faith
Biblical stories and the teachings of Jesus are taught with an understanding of the historical context of the Bible and an awareness of our own culture.
Diversity of thought and culture is recognized and work for justice (economic, racial, social) is understood as one of the things that the Gospel calls us to do.
Intergenerational learning and fellowship are encouraged through prayer-partners, group activities and outings.
We build a Biblical faith through music, art, games and stories.
Service and Mission
Our youth are invited to serve the community and greater world in mission projects and trips as well as local activities and gatherings.
Sunday School
We offer Sunday school classes from 2yrs old through adult at 9am Sunday mornings from September to May.
Youth Groups
Family Fun Day
Confirmation Class
Senior Youth
Vacation Bible School
We offer vacation bible school each summer for ages 3 years through 5th grade. We focus on a theme and use bible-based teachings to learn and grow together. Past themes have included: Diary of a Moravian Kid (learn about the history of the Moravian Church) and The Rainbow Bible (learning how we are all children of God regardless of race, gender, or faith background).
Summer Camp
We support our youth to attend Moravian based overnight summer camps in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
4M Camp- 1st-2nd graders, Mt. Morris, WI
Camp MINDYY- 2nd-5th graders, Alexandria, MN
Junior Camp- 3th-5th graders, Mt. Morris, WI
Camp Winmor- 6th-8th graders, Mt. Morris, WI
Camp Chetek- 9th grade-age 21, Mt. Morris, WI
Service Projects
We encourage our youth to actively support local community and international mission projects through a commitment of time, resources, and prayer. We seek to learn and serve throughout the world eliminating barriers of race, culture, or class.
Local: Christmas Caroling, Live Nativity, Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative, sandwiches for the homeless
International: Haiti Sisters, Costa Rica Sister Church