We commit to no longer remaining silent about
racial injustice.

We acknowledge a crisis in our nation regarding systemic racism and oppression in education, employment, government and our justice system;

The results of systemic racism are fundamentally at odds with our Moravian polity and beliefs, and confronting racial inequity and oppression is essential for our Christian witness and spiritual wholeness;

At the January 2018 Church Council meeting, the Waconia Moravian Church made a commitment to racial justice, resulting in the creation of a Racial Justice Leadership Council which provides guidance for our Racial Justice work.

The Waconia Moravian Church publicly declares its commitment to:

No longer remaining silent about racial injustice in any context; and

Promoting Racial Justice through education, advocacy, critical self-reflection, and positive relationship-building in our congregation and in our communities; and

Addressing structural racism, however it confronts us, through intentional efforts in our ministry as a church.


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