Book Club
The book club meets on the second Monday of each month from 3:00–5:00 p.m. Our goal is to read books that encourage us to explore a variety of ideas with the purpose of broadening our minds and our understanding of people and places throughout the world. We consider book suggestions from members, friends, authors, book reviews and libraries. During our meetings we discuss our selection of book for that month, enjoy a light snack and catch up on current events in each other’s lives.
If you’re interested or have any questions please contact Kathy Wilson at Kendewilson@gmail.com.
God has blessed Waconia Moravian Church with many talented, musical people. There is much more to making music happen than a beautiful voice or a nice sounding instrument. It takes volunteers to help lead, organize and maintain. It takes parents who are committed to getting their children to all the different functions and rehearsals. The music at Waconia Moravian would never happen without dedicated volunteers like you. Please consider participating in an ensemble this season.
Soloists (vocal or instrumental): Coordinated with director of music
Small Ensembles (vocal or instrumental): Scheduled throughout the year
Adult Choir meets Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 pm in the Sanctuary.
Men’s Coffee
To all Men, members and friends, you are invited to join us for coffee, smoothies or other refreshments at Mocha Monkey next to and in the HomeTown Bank building on Saturday mornings at 7:45 am. We usually visit until 9:00 am. We have discussions on what is happening in the area and our lives as well. A good way to start a Saturday morning.
Comforter Ministry
The Comforter Ministry makes and gives comforters to people who are ill, grieving, going through life transitions, facing challenges, celebrating, or dealing with other life events. Our hope is to help them feel that God, our Comforter, is always with them, wrapping them in love and covering them with care.
At our meetings we pray for the individual who will receive each comforter and spend time in Bible study and prayer as a group.
Each year our Youth Groups put together a Scarecrow Display as part of the Chamber of Commerce's Waconia Scarecrow Tour. Here are some of our previous entries!