We work with Beacon Interfaith Collaborative, a non-profit organization that operates a shelter service and promotes housing advocacy. We own two properties that we utilize for those in housing crisis.
We are more powerful when we work together.
This fits nicely with our sense of ecumenism, we are willing to work with any church or organization who is seeking the common good. As a denomination we have always sought ways to cooperate with other churches and be the spiritual leaven in our communities.
We take personal, public and financial risks in the fight for justice.
In the Moravian Church we believe we have a voice, we can find that voice and are called to use that voice. The church is called to act as Jesus would in the face of injustice.
Racial Equity
We are all called to overcome systemic racism that causes housing inequities.
As a church, Waconia Moravian will continue to renew our commitment to move forward with our education, initiatives, and activities relating to racial justice. We move forward with the guidance of our Joint Board and our Racial Justice Leadership Council in our commitment to being vocal in addressing systemic racism.
Inclusive Decision-Making
We make better decisions when we have diverse perspectives and backgrounds.
Leadership in the Moravian Denomination is conferential. We have no single president of the congregation, nor do we have a president of any district, province or the Unity. We have presidents of executive boards or conferences, but there are always 4 -14 people’s voices represented and consulted in any decision-making.
Beacon Interfaith Collaborative shares our values. Their mission, as a collaborative of congregations united in action, is to create homes and advance equitable housing. They utilize the power and energy of faith-based communities to usher in this vision.
We are an official Beacon congregation through our participation in Families Moving Forward and through the commitment to political advocacy. We show up when support for Beacon projects is needed. We have developed a Beacon Leadership Team and we provide a level of financial support to the work of Beacon Interfaith Collaborative. Beacon, in turn, continues to provide resources and training for all interested members. It is a reciprocal arrangement.
Waconia Moravian Church was featured in two Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative’s Blog posts Finding Their Voice by Dennis Sanders and Working For The Greatest Need by Dylan Novacek.