By the Grace of God and the Will of the Moravian Church Northern Provincial Synod 2023, the Rev. Dr. Amy Gohdes-Luhman will be consecrated a Bishop of the Moravian Unity. As her home congregation, we will be helping to facilitate and host the consecration service. This special service is being planned for Sunday, November 5th, at 4 p.m. with a celebration meal to follow. We hope you mark your calendars and plan to attend! Please watch your email for an electronic invitation and more details.
This is the first time in 13 years that the Northern Province has elected a bishop (even longer since it has been a minister who served in the Western District!). We are honored to be able to celebrate Pastor Amy and her continued ministry!
Please RSVP by Monday, October 23 electronically or to the church office.
952-442-2920. ~ Carmen Gesinger
Here is the official Evite invitation link:
Spread the word!