September 2021 Newsletter


Good day all! I have just gone through Facebook and I saw all the First Day of School Pictures. Well, maybe not all of them, there are SO MANY! I have seen pictures of me and my siblings on one of our first days of school in DeForest, Wisconsin—somewhere in a box. I think I have pictures of each of my own children on their first days of kindergarten (again, somewhere in a box), but I missed taking a picture most years since then. In fact, I think the kindergarten picture may be it. I know that since our phones are cameras and Facebook has been invented, we will have lots more faces to look at and that is good. I enjoy seeing the faces!

There were quite a few comments about how time flies. Some senior year pictures were coupled with kindergarten or first grade pictures. Time does fly! We get old and our children grow up. That is just how life works. I am glad we can mark time with pictures and share our joys with each other.

I met with Art Johnson, one of our members who is in his eighties and he was delighted to show me pictures on his phone of his 1-year-old granddaughter celebrating her birthday with cake on her face. So cute!

It has been hard in this pandemic to stay connected, to see each other’s faces. We have missed celebrating milestones (birthdays, anniversaries, wedding, memorials) together face to face. So it is good we can see pictures at least.

We can be reminded though that all of this time does continue to move forward (to fly) and we will be in a different time and place soon. We will not be in a pandemic forever. Yes, we may do life a bit differently, who knows if we will ever have a full church again? I hear it is pretty nice to watch church in your pajamas from the comfort of your couch. It is safe to do that now and I understand that fully.

Once it is safe to be together, perhaps one of our first Sundays together should be Pajama Sunday? Ease into the discipline of church attendance…?

Just an idea. For now, know that I do miss your faces. Know that I appreciate what I see on Facebook and in pictures. Know that I have not forgotten you, nor has God forgotten any of us. We will make it through this, time flies! God’s Peace to each of you!


October 2021 Newsletter


August 2021 Newsletter